This blog, those blogs, and now in store

Pom Pom Quarterly issue 5 - Camp Pom Pom - now available at Fringe Supply Co

First things first! I mentioned before how excited I’ve been about the summer issue of Pom Pom Quarterly, a year-old UK publication I recently saw in print for the first time and fell in love with. What I’m thrilled to tell you now is that I’ve got it in stock at Fringe Supply Co.! If you’ve only seen pictures of it, or downloaded the digital version (like me), trust me, you really have to get your hands on the print version — it looks good, it feels good, and it’s built to last. It also includes a download code for the e-version, so it’s a two-fer. Click through for additional images and info, and to order your copy!


A subject I’m less excited about is the widely reported demise of Google Reader. I’ve sort of been pretending it’s not happening, but we’re getting closer to the cut-off date and I know some of you use Reader to get Fringe updates. So I wanted to post a quick note about ways to keep up with the blog. There are, of course, other RSS feed readers — popular options being Feedly and Bloglovin’, and you can definitely subscribe to the Fringe feed through any of those services. WordPress users can, of course, just click the Follow button. The most surefire way to never miss a post, though, is to plug your email address into that little box in the right column of this page, after which you’ll receive an email notification whenever a new post goes live. You can also follow New on Fringe Association at Pinterest. Or follow @fringeassoc on Twitter — I don’t tweet every single blog post, but I do share other great links and stuff that you won’t find here. (My Instagram isn’t so much about blog updates, but you will find additional glimpses of my WIPs and of Fringe HQ there, along with the occasional Fringe news.)

As far as other people’s blogs, some of you may recall that there originally was a short blogroll in the right rail of this site. I took it down last fall because I had big ideas about how I wanted to redo it, and I just haven’t had time to sort it out. So rather than remaining blogroll-less, I’ve gone ahead and plugged in some links I like and believe you will too. But look for that to evolve at some point! Meanwhile, happy clicking …


7 thoughts on “This blog, those blogs, and now in store

  1. So happy you’re carrying the Pom Pom! I pinned some patterns and saw they were only available there, wondered about it. How beautiful is that cover model in those designs?

  2. I just ordered it, yay! I love that cover shawl. The pattern yarn is 50% camel, 50% silk!I wonder what THAT would feel like!

    • Gonna order it, too! My pinterest site says that work really interferes with my knitting…but all of these wonderful fiber blogs do, too! :)

  3. I am really excited you are stocking this. Will order next payday. This and a particular french magazine have been IMPOSSIBLE for me to find !

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