
I’ve been laid flat with a fever and such for the past few days but am showing signs of improvement and will be back to blogging just as soon as possible — hopefully tomorrow. Thanks for understanding, and please send healthy thoughts my way!

(Of course, DG’s got shipping well covered over at Fringe Supply Co., so no worries there.)

20 thoughts on “brb

  1. Plenty of rest.
    Plenty of fluids.
    Don’t forget to eat.
    Get the good tissues with aloe in them so you don’t blow your nose raw.
    We will be knitting and purling until you come back healthy and rested!

  2. Hope your feeling better soon. When your a busy person, there is nothing worse then being down for the count.

  3. Must be withdrawal from your Paris trip! (When are we going to hear about the details?) Hope you are on the mends soon – and that you are able to spend your recuperating time knitting!

  4. It seems to us that on at least half of our trips abroad end with one or both of us returning home with a serious cold, of with some variation of the flu for which our bodies were unprepared. It makes the re-entry all the harder. Sorry that you are the one: get well soon!

  5. I have a similar pestilence in Wisconsin and I haven’t been to France. My one-year-old grandson shared his flu with Meemaw. Such a sharing boy.

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