New Favorites: Dark yoke sweaters

New Favorites: Dark yoke sweaters

One of the most endlessly irresistible things to me is a colorwork yoke sweater done all in neutrals with the body in charcoal or black. It’s so striking and rich and magical somehow. I could list countless examples, but these are the two that have most recently been haunting my dreams:

TOP: Carrie Bostick Hoge’s Lighthouse Pullover — from her latest collection, Swoon Maine — in shades of black and grey

BOTTOM: Kathy Cadigan’s rendition of Mary Jane Mucklestone’s Stopover, done in black, grey and a coppery brown

Kathy’s is the one I mentioned in a footnote yesterday, having worn it during our holiday lookbook shoot and fallen deeply, darkly in love.


PREVIOUSLY in New Favorites: from Olga’s “Capsule” collection

20 thoughts on “New Favorites: Dark yoke sweaters

  1. What yarn did Kathy use? The sweater is very pretty. I love the copper brown is very unique.

  2. I am fond of Flight by Sarah Pope. Mostly dark with light color accents in natural colors. Beautiful

  3. Ooh, nice. That reminds me that I have seen quite a few of Kate Davies’ yoked sweaters like Epistrophy and Àsta Sollilja done with black as the MC. Very striking… I find I’m more partial to an inky navy blue.

  4. I love these! How can I convert the lighthouse pattern to use the 4ply wool I have in my stash? Always stumps me and it is my New Years resolution to work this out.

  5. Love the charcoal, grey, and copper combination…very rich…very unique! Never enough time…ever!

  6. I have been hoarding some of the last of my Romney dark chocolate yarn. I am knitting two college kids sweaters/vests with it for Christmas and I am sooooo hoping to have enough left over for me to knit myself a sweater. I love both of these and will keep them in mind! Thanks for sharing!

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