Blog Crush: Voices of Industry

Blog Crush: Voices of Industry

It’s not at all uncommon for me to run across a blog that’s gone dormant — or is updated just once or twice a year — and feel sad that there isn’t more. It is uncommon, though, for me to be so moved by one that I would advise you to go swim around in what’s there and glean what you will from it, however much or little (past or future) there may be. But such is the case with Voices of Industry. Adele Stafford is someone I’m slightly familiar with: She is a weaver living in Oakland, and so we have mutual acquaintances. I’ve followed her off and on on Instagram, and am a huge admirer of her mission, the cloth she weaves and the garments it becomes. But it wasn’t until I clicked on a cryptic link from Heidi Swanson that I found myself at Adele’s blog, at which point my brain — which had been making me crazy bouncing off the sides off my skull all day — went silent and listened. Adele writes remarkably, with a voice similar to her weaving in some way — observant and poetic and intelligent without being precious. She also writes rarely. There are only two pages of posts going back a year and a half, but they deserve to be read slowly and savored. It’s the Friday of a long weekend today (in the US anyway), so perhaps you can pour yourself a nice drink, tune out the world for an hour or so, and read what she has to say. And yes, hope there will be more.


SPEAKING OF GOOD READS [UPDATED!] Issue 2 of KnitWit Magazine has arrived and is available now in the shop. — and it is gorgeous! I also got a few more copies of Issue 1, in case you regret missing it. So you can go ahead and order either or both, and if you haven’t already grabbed the latest Pom Pom or Amirisu, you might want to add those too.

Have a fantastically laid-back weekend, please! I’m actually going to observe a holiday for a change and take Monday off for making (and of course it’s a mail holiday too), but all will resume on Tuesday morning! See you then—


PREVIOUSLY in Blog Crush: Into Mind

6 thoughts on “Blog Crush: Voices of Industry

  1. How funny, I think that was the only link I didn’t click on with Heidi Swanson! Thank you for pointing that out to me/us!! I am a weaver so find her very interesting…and used to like in Oakland and I still miss it. Thanks again.

  2. I used to read a lot of blogs. Every day at lunch, I would go through all the blogs on the sidebar of my own blog and read any updates they had.

    I used to blog quite a bit. Writing posts once or twice a week.

    I found something you wrote on pinterest. Then I found a couple more, and I realized that I’m just madly inspired by your blog. So I’m sorry that I just friended you on Ravelry and Instagram and subscribed to your blog feed today, but you make me want to knit and write more.

    Thank you.

  3. Pingback: Blog Crush: Temple of Knit | Fringe Association

  4. Pingback: Elsewhere (+ shop news!) | Fringe Association

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