Nesting fantasies

Nesting fantasies

People keep asking if I know where we’re going to live in Nashville and the answer is: Nope. No idea. I’m just hoping for white walls and hardwood floors — all I ever really hope for — and am happily fantasizing about a new set of rooms and what will go in them. Mostly I’m thinking about blankets. I have an idea I need to test, and I’ll tell you all about it if that pans out. But meanwhile, I ran across these beauties from Shelter 7 (at sfgirlbybay) and now all I can think is “mmmm, crochet.”

I might really have to join Courtney Kelley for her #crochetsummer2014.


7 thoughts on “Nesting fantasies

  1. I need to stop looking at your blog (I won’t though) . Now I feel like throwing aside all current WIPs and crocheting that hex rug. Thanks!

  2. Pingback: New Favorites: Groovy crochet tunic | Fringe Association

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